Home Drink Responsibly

Drink Responsibly.

“To the nights you’ll always remember, with the friends you’ll never forget.”
“Please Drink Responsibly. It’s hard to invest when you are on lockdown.”

Revelers.IO is committed to making nights out, nights in, or any time spent with alcohol, a Socially Responsible experience. We believe that responsible drinking is a valued and enjoyable part of celebrations in everyday life for most people who choose to drink.

Liquor, Beer and Wine companies take great care to only market their product responsibly to adults. They and we support programs, practices, and policies that create a more positive role for alcohol in society and address issues related to the misuse of alcohol. We encourage alcohol consumers to make responsible decisions about drinking – or not drinking.

Here are a few resources to help you make responsible choices:

Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol affects different people in different ways. Two people can drink the same amount of alcohol and react differently because of their gender, weight, ability to process and breakdown alcohol or their tolerance to alcohol. Even the same person can drink the same amount of alcohol on different occasions and be affected differently on each occasion. Visit www.DRINKiQ.com .

Tips for Drinking Responsibly

Keep track of how much you drink. Pace yourself, alternate drinks with water to stay refreshed and have a bite to eat before or while you drink. These and many more helpful hints and tips will help you make it a night to remember, not to forget.

Getting home safely

Key to a successful night is having a safe way to get home. Think about how you’re going to get home before you leave home – grab a cab or designate a driver.
Treat your Designated Driver to one of these delicious drinks that don’t feature alcohol.

Why New York City’s drunk driving accidents have gone way down since 2011

Want to know the facts about alcohol?
You can also check out www.DRINKiQ.com and www.icap.org for more information that will help you to make responsible choices.